C | Collector or Ranney type well |
D | Drain dug to intercept the water table or potentiometric surface to either lower the ground-water level or serve as a water supply |
E | Excavation |
H | Sinkhole |
I | Interconnected wells, also called connector or drainage wells; that is, a well interconnected via an underground lateral |
M | Multiple wells. Use only for well field consisting of a group of wells that are pumped through a single header and for which little or no data about the individual wells are available |
O | Outcrop |
P | Pond dug to intercept the water table or potentiometric surface and serve as a water supply |
S | Spring (used only on spring schedule |
T | Tunnel, shaft, or mine from which ground water is obtained |
W | Well, for single wells other than wells of the collector or Ranney type |
X | Test hole, not completed as a well |
C | Data have been field checked by the reporting agency |
L | Location not accurate |
M | Minimal data |
U | Data have not been field checked by the reporting agency, but the reporting agency considers the data reliable |
8 | Colorado |
20 | Kansas |
29 | Missouri |
31 | Nebraska |
40 | Oklahoma |
S | The measurement is accurate to + 1 second |
F | The measurement is accurate to + 5 seconds |
T | The measurement is accurate to + 10 seconds |
M | The measurement is accurate to + 1 minute |
GIS | Well plotted using a Geographic Information System |
GPS | Global positioning system |
GPS (within 50 feet) | Global positioning system within 50 feet of site |
GWSI | Original values from USGS Ground Water Site Inventory |
LEO | Calculated from KGS LEO plss description to lat/long conversion program |
A | Altimeter |
D | Digital Elevation Model |
L | Level or other surveying method |
M | Interpolated from topographic map |
A | Anode |
C | Standby emergency supply |
D | Drain |
E | Geothermal |
G | Seismic |
H | Heat reservoir |
M | Mine |
O | Observation |
P | Oil or gas well |
R | Recharge |
S | Repressurize |
T | Test |
U | Unused |
W | Withdrawal of water |
X | Waste disposal |
Z | Destroyed |
A | Air conditioning |
B | Bottling |
C | Commercial |
D | Dewater |
E | Power |
F | Fire |
H | Domestic |
I | Irrigation |
R | Recreation |
J | Industrial (cooling) |
K | Mining |
M | Medicinal |
N | Industrial |
P | Public supply |
Q | Aquaculture |
S | Stock |
T | Institutional |
U | Unused |
Y | Desalination |
Z | Other (explain in remarks) |
A | Reported by another government agency |
D | From driller's log or report |
G | Private geologist-consultant or university associate |
L | Depth interpreted from geophysical logs by personnel of source agency |
M | Memory (owner, operator, driller) |
O | Reported by the owner of the well |
R | Reported by person other than the owner, driller, or another government agency |
S | Measured by personnel of reporting agency |
Z | Other source (explain in remarks) |
A | Airline measurement |
B | Analog or graphic recorder |
C | Calibrated airline measurement |
E | Estimated |
G | Pressure-gage measurement |
H | Calibrated pressure-gage measurement |
L | Interpreted from geophysical logs |
M | Manometer measurement |
N | Nonrecording gage |
R | Reported, method not known |
S | Steel-tape measurement |
T | Electric-tape measurement |
V | Calibrated electric-tape measurement |
Z | Other |
Blank indicate a static level | |
D | The site was dry (no water level is recorded) |
E | The site was flowing recently |
F | The site was flowing, but the head could not be measured (no water level is recorded) |
G | A nearby site that taps the same aquifer was flowing |
H | A nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been flowing recently |
I | Injector site (recharge water being injected into the aquifer |
J | Injector site monitor (a nearby site that taps the same aquifer is injecting recharge water) |
N | The measurements at this site were discontinued |
O | An obstruction was encountered in the well above the water surface (no water level is recorded) |
P | The site was being pumped |
R | The site had been pumped recently |
S | A nearby site that taps the same aquifer was being pumped |
T | A nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been pumped recently |
V | A foreign substance was present on the surface of the water |
W | The well was destroyed |
X | The water level was affected by stage in nearby surface-water site |
Z | Other conditions that would affect the measured water level |
Y | Yes, file exists. |
Blank or N | No, file does not exist. |
SGWFLE(1) | Construction (GW.CONS) date for site. |
SGWFLE(2) | Miscellaneous (GW.MISC) data for site. |
SGWFLE(3) | Discharge (GW.DISC) data for site. |
SGWFLE(4) | Geohydrologic (GW.GEOH) data for site. |
SGWFLE(5) | Hydraulic (GW.HYDR) data for site. |
SGWFLE(6) | Water-level (GW.LEV) data for site. |
SGWFLE(7) | Observation-heading (GW.OBS) data for site. |
SGWFLE(8) | State water-use (GW.STWU) data for site. |
SGWFLE(9)-(20) | Unassigned |
U | Unconfined single aquifer |
N | Unconfined multiple aquifers |
C | Confined single aquifer |
M | Confined multiple aquifer |
X | Mixed (confined and unconfined multiple aquifers) |
Y | Yes- Feature is represented |
N or Blank | No- Feature is not represented |
STYPE(1) | Stream |
STYPE(2) | Lake or reservoir |
STYPE(3) | Estuary |
STYPE(4) | Unassigned |
STYPE(5) | Spring |
STYPE(6) | Ground water other than spring |
STYPE(7) | Meteorological |
STYPE(8)-(20) | Unassigned |
A | Active data-collection site |
I | Inactive or discontinued data-collection site |
O | Inventory data site only |
A | Active data-collection site |
I | Inactive or discontinued data-collection site |
O | Inventory data site only |
SDATA(1) | Stage or water levels--continuous |
SDATA(2) | Stage or water levels--intermittent |
SDATA(3) | Water quality--continuous |
SDATA(4) | Water quality--intermittent |
SDATA(5) | Precipitation--continuous |
SDATA(6) | Precipitation--intermittent |
SDATA(7) | Evaporation--continuous |
SDATA(8) | Evaporation--intermittent |
SDATA(9) | Wind velocity |
SDATA(10) | Tide--continuous |
SDATA(11) | Tide--intermittent |
SDATA(12) | Sediment concentration |
SDATA(13) | Sediment particle size |
SDATA(14) | Peak flows |
SDATA(15) | Low flows |
SDATA(16) | State water use |
SDATA(17)-(30) | Unassigned |
SINST(1) | Digital recorder |
SINST(2) | Graphic recorder |
SINST(3) | Telemetry--land line |
SINST(4) | Telemetry--radio |
SINST(5) | Telemetry--satellite relay |
SINST(7) | Crest-stage gage |
SINST(8) | Tide gage |
SINST(9) | Deflection meter |
SINST(10) | Bubble gage |
SINST(11) | Stilling well |
SINST(12) | CR-type recorder |
SINST(13) | Weighing rain gage |
SINST(14) | Tipping-bucket rain gage |
SINST(15)-(30) | Unassigned |
1 | Western Kansas GMD #1 |
2 | Equus Beds GMD #2 |
3 | Southwest Kansas GMD #3 |
4 | Northwest Kansas GMD #4 |
5 | Big Bend GMD #5 |
JM | Jurassic Morrison Formation |
OU | Ordovician undifferentiated |
PL | Pennsylvanian Lawrence and Stranger Formations |
KJ | Lower Cretaceous/Upper Jurassic undifferentiated |
KD | Cretaceous Dakota, Kiowa Formations, and Cheyenne Sandstone |
KN | Cretaceous Niobrara Chalk |
TO | Tertiary Ogallala Formation |
QU | Quaternary undifferentiated |
QA | Quaternary alluvium |
Never or Blank | Never included in the report |
No | Not included in the report |
Previously | Has been included in past reports |
Yes | Is currently used in the report |
1 | South, West Kansas |
2 | Western, Central Kansas |
3 | North, west Kansas |
4 | North, Central Kansas |
5 | South, Central Kansas |
6 | North, East Kansas |
7 | East, Central, Kansas |
8 | South, East Kansas |
NGVD29 | National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 |
NAVD88 | North American Vertical Datum of 1988 |
D | Differentially corrected Global Positioning System (GPS) |
G | Global positioning system, uncorrected (Standard Positioning Service (SPS) and Precise Positioning Service (PPS)) |
L | Long-range navigation system |
M | Interpolated from map |
S | Transit, theodolite, or other surveying method |
U | Unknown |
NAD27 | North American Datum of 1927 |
NAD27 (converted from NAD83) | Datum converted from NAD83 to NAD27 |
A | Measurement was determined to be "anomalous" by KGS statistical and geostatistical analysis |
B | Only the Year and Month were provided for the measurement date and time- defaults to first day of the month |
D | The site was dry (no water level recorded) |
E | The site was flowing recently |
F | The site was flowing, but the head could not be measured (no water level recorded) |
G | A nearby site that taps the same aquifer was flowing |
H | A nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been flowing recently |
I | Injector site (recharge water being injected into the aquifer) |
J | Injector site monitor (a nearby site that taps the same aquifer is injecting recharge water) |
M | The site was plugged |
N | The measurement was discontinued |
O | An obstruction was encountered in the well above the water surface (no water level recorded) |
P | The site was being pumped |
R | The site had been pumped recently |
S | A nearby site that taps the same aquifer was being pumped |
T | A nearby site that taps the same aquifer had been pumped recently |
V | Foreign substance was present on the surface of the water |
W | The well was destroyed |
X | The water level was affected by stage in nearby surface-water site |
Z | Other conditions that would affect the measured water level (explain in remarks) |
A | Airline measurement |
B | Analog or graphic recorder |
C | Calibrated airline measurement |
E | Estimated |
F | Transducer |
G | Pressure-gage measurement |
H | Calibrated pressure-gage measurement |
L | Interpreted from geophysical logs |
M | Manometer measurement |
N | Nonrecording gage |
R | Reported, method not known |
S | Steel-tape measurement |
T | Electric-tape measurement |
V | Calibrated electric-tape measurement |
Z | Other |
0 | Water level accurate to nearest foot |
1 | Water level accurate to nearest tenth of a foot |
2 | Water level accurate to nearest one-hundredth of a foot |
No Oil | No oil present on tape |
Oil Present | Oil found on tape |
Unknown | Unknown |
No Weight | No weight was used |
Weighted | The tape was weighted during the measurement |
Unknown | Unknown |
U | Unverified Volunteer Measurement |
V | Verified or Reviewed Volunteer Measurement |
B | Brass or bronze |
C | Concrete |
G | Galvanized iron |
I | Wrought iron |
M | Other metal |
P | PVC, fiberglass, or other plastic |
R | Stainless steel |
S | Steel |
T | Tile |
Z | Other (explain in remarks). |
A | Reported by another government agency |
D | From driller's log or report |
G | Private geologist-consultant or university associate |
L | Depth interpreted from geophysical logs by personnel of source agency |
M | Memory (owner, operator, driller): less reliable than D -- reported by owner |
O | Reported by the owner of the well |
R | Reported by person other than the owner, driller, or another government agency |
S | Measured by personnel of reporting agency |
Z | Other source (explain in remarks). |
A | Air-rotary |
B | Bored or augered |
C | Cable-tool |
D | Dug |
H | Hydraulic rotary |
J | Jetted |
P | Air percussion |
R | Reverse rotary |
T | Trenching |
V | Driven |
W | Drive and wash |
Z | Other (explain in remarks). |
C | Porous concrete |
F | Gravel pack w/perforations |
G | Gravel pack w/screen |
H | Horizontal gallery |
O | Open end |
P | Perforated or slotted |
S | Screen |
T | Sand point |
W | Walled |
X | Open hole |
Z | Other- explain in remarks. |
B | Bentonite |
C | Clay or cuttings |
G | Cement grout |
N | None |
Z | Other- explain in remarks. |
A | Pumped with air lift |
B | Bailed |
C | "Blown" or surged w/compressed air |
J | Washed or jetted |
N | None |
P | Pumped |
S | Surged with surge block |
Z | Other- explain in remarks. |
C | Chemical (acid, and so forth) |
D | Dry ice |
E | Explosives |
F | Deflocculent |
H | Hydrofracturing |
M | Mechanical abrasion |
Z | Other- explain in remarks. |