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KGS OFR 2003-55C- Appendix A: Smoky Hill- Saline Basin.

Appendix A of KGS OFR 2003-55C provides plots of the mean annual streamflow, total accumulated annual precipitation, and the trends in mean annual streamflow statistically adjusted for precipitation by KWO planning basin. Plots are provided for each unique gaging station and when possible, the composite trend for stations that had a mean annual streamflow value every single year from 1982 to 2001. The R-squared value, which is a measure of the statistical relationship between streamflow and the combination of annual accumulated precipitation and time, is also provided. A measure of the statistical significance in the trend line can be seen with the "Probt" value where if Probt is less than 0.1 indicates a significant trend.

1982 to 2001 Composite Trend: 4 stations are used in this aggregated trend.
Average R-squared value: Entire Period of Record = 0.60638, 1982 to 2001 = 0.59023.
Probt Count: Entire Period of Record = 3 out of 4 stations, 1982 to 2001 = 0.

Station 6863500- BIG C NR HAYS, KS

Entire Period of Record 1982 to 2001 Time Period
R-Squared = 0.60251 R-Squared = 0.61912
Probt = 0.00643872160910086 Probt = 0.400330783067524
Slope = -0.629965777858034 Slope = 0.651037299192782
Change in Trend is statistically significant. Change in Trend is not statistically significant.


Station 6866900- SALINE R NR WAKEENEY, KS

Entire Period of Record 1982 to 2001 Time Period
R-Squared = 0.59082 R-Squared = 0.49685
Probt = 0.000562733392029946 Probt = 0.199940292080411
Slope = -0.810444718017546 Slope = 0.721341946548032
Change in Trend is statistically significant. Change in Trend is not statistically significant.


Station 6867000- SALINE R NR RUSSELL, KS

Entire Period of Record 1982 to 2001 Time Period
R-Squared = 0.59619
R-Squared = 0.60659
Probt = 0.113414342502135
Probt = 0.728580485171509
Slope = -1.22546504938705
Slope = 1.22478102772414
Change in Trend is not statistically significant.
Change in Trend is not statistically significant.


Station 6878000- CHAPMAN C NR CHAPMAN, KS

Entire Period of Record 1982 to 2001 Time Period
R-Squared = 0.635995
R-Squared = 0.63838
Probt = 0.0837565385414116
Probt = 0.315025691267729
Slope = 0.812997967024921
Slope = 1.94810391722737
Change in Trend is statistically significant.
Change in Trend is not statistically significant.