WIMAS Point of Diversion Information Sheet
Water Right Information represents conditions as of 10/13/2024.

Information shown on this page depends on the water right(s) and their Type(s) of Use associated with a PD. If there are multiple water rights and types of use, the page will update details, quantity and rate, and reported water use depending on which entry is selected from those list boxes.

Because water rights can overlap both in points of diversion and places of use (which in turn can affect the authorized quantities and rate) AND water usage is often aggregated into a single report, you cannot determine if a water right has reported more water use than authorized from this page only.

By using this page directly, you agree to the responsibilities and use limitations of the WIMAS program, as specified by its disclaimer.

Point of Diversion
PD: 1 Water Right(s): 1 Type(s) of Use:
WWC5 Links: 8261
WIZARD Link: None
Google Location Map
Water Right Details
Source: Right Type: Total Acres Authorized: Net Acres Authorized: Use of Water Active:
Water Right Status: Place(s) of Use:
Priority Date: Action Trail:
Point of Diversion Details
PD Active: Feet North: Feet West: Qualifiers: County:
GMD Num: Number of Wells: Subbasin: Stream Number:
Special Use Area(s): Comment:
Authorized Quantity & Rate
Quantity Stored By: Authorized Quantity (AF): Net Quantity (AF):
Rate Stored By: Authorized Rate (GPM): Net Rate (GPM):
Reported Water Use
Water Use Year(s): Total Water Used (AF): Acres Irrigated:
Water Use Reported on Right Num: Reel Number: Blip Number:
Metered Quantity: Meter Unit: Depth to Water: Depth of Well:
Beginning Meter Reading: Ending Meter Reading:
System Type: Hours Pumped: Pump Rate: Date of Measurement:
Date Report Received: Chemigation Indicator: Water Use Code: Crop Code:
Current Water Use Correspondent(s):

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For information on the WRIS/WIMAS database or water right related questions, please contact the KDA-DWR at 785-564-6640. For web page or internet based comments, please contact webadmin@kgs.ku.edu. WIMAS data updated weekly.
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